Former Nicholas County deputy sentenced to 20 years in prison for producing child porn

CHARLESTON, W.Va. — A former Nicholas County deputy sheriff will spend 20 years in prison after he produced child pornography. Jarrod Steven Bennett, 38, of Mt. Nebo. was sentenced Wednesday by United States District Judge Irene C. Berger and was given 30 years of supervised release after the 20-year sentence is complete.Bonsai Casino Bennett will also have to register as a sex offender. Bennett pleaded guilty to the crimes back in March. According to court documents, in March 2023, Bennett recorded two videos of a minor female under the age of 12 sleeping while he was employed as a Nicholas County Sheriff’s Department deputy. Bennett filmed the girl as she was sleeping face down and zoomed the camera on her buttocks. Bennett also admitted that in one of the videos, he walked toward the minor female and filmed his exposed penis and him masturbating near the girl. Bennett then saved the two videos on the Snapchat app and distributed them. Snapchat shut down Bennett’s original account, but Bennett created a new account where he continued to distribute the child pornography. U.S. Attorney for Southern West Virginia Will Thompson says there was plenty of evidence to prove Bennett was guilty. “The evidence in this case was overwhelming and I think that’s what led to the plea in this case,” Thompson said. “He did express remorse, he did accept responsibility, but still, he did a crime while he was a law enforcement officer.” Thompson says Judge Berger made note in the hearing that Bennett did the vile acts while serving in an important and honorable role. “Judge Berger made note of that in the hearing, she basically (said), “You are victimizing the very people you’re supposed to protect, violating the same laws you’re supposed to uphold,” Thompson said. “She gave a lot of emphasis to that, which she should have.” Thompson says when the mother of the victim found out what Bennett did, she had a very physical reaction. “She was very upset and had a physical reaction to it, as she should,” Thompson said. “It was her daughter that he placed on the internet in a compromising situation,” Thompson said. Bennett served as a law enforcement officer for 18 years. Contact Us  |  Privacy Policy  |  Employment  |  Affiliates Intranet

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