What is Spice and why is the drug so dangerous?

spice addiction

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spice addiction

Many countries, states, and other localities have made synthetic marijuana illegal due to its side effects. Today, most leading government and industry health organizations officially view synthetic cannabinoids as dangerous and addictive drugs. Substances like Spice and K2—which contain smokable plant material coated with synthetic cannabinoids or other substances—are often sold in gas stations and head shops.

Legal Issues

Although they act on the same brain receptors, Spice is far more potent than cannabis which may make it more addictive and increase the severity of withdrawal. DEA’s ban on many synthetic weed chemicals has not exactly been successful in curbing its production or sales for several reasons. As mentioned before, the manufacturers regularly change the chemicals in the products. Once the DEA bans certain chemicals, they take no time to replace them with equally or even more dangerous chemical products.

What is Spice and why is the drug so dangerous?

Some deaths have occurred as a result but it is difficult to pin down an exact number because tests for this drug have only recently been developed. Deaths from violent behavior or suicide are some of the unfortunate side effects of Spice abuse. There are a variety of chemicals that are sprayed onto plant material and sold as Spice or K2.

The patient may experience some unpleasant withdrawal symptoms during this period. Due to comedowns and the euphoria of the drug, there will be regular changes in the user’s mood. This can be one of the most evident signs that someone is smoking synthetic cannabinoids. Interlinking with depression, this can be one of the most deadly behavioral and psychological effects of the drug. The FHE Health team is committed to providing accurate information that adheres to the highest standards of writing. If one of our articles is marked with a ‘reviewed for accuracy and expertise’ badge, it indicates that one or more members of our team of doctors and clinicians have reviewed the article further to ensure accuracy.

spice addiction

‘Spice’ users likely to experience more severe withdrawal symptoms, study finds

spice addiction

The pervasive misconception that products like Spice and K2 are safe, harmless, and even legal alternatives to marijuana have likely fueled their rise in popularity. Earlier this year, researchers at the University of Bath were awarded £1.3 million to develop a portable device that could be used to give on-the-spot readings for the spice. Time and/or budget constraints are a serious concern for many, and they sometimes necessitate a shorter residential stay or outpatient treatment.

The intoxicating effects of more potent brands – such as Clockwork Orange, Pandora’s Box and Annihilation – can be quite overpowering. Some people experience difficulty breathing, rapid heart rate, and shakes and sweats, all of which can lead to a severe panic attacks. Users can experience a loss of feeling and numbness in their limbs, nausea, collapse and unconsciousness.

The initials JWH refer to the chemist who developed this particular set of chemicals. Residential programs provide the patient with full-time care that includes round-the clock medical treatment, support, and guidance. These programs often last 30 days–90 days (or longer, depending upon the seriousness of the patient’s condition). Many drug treatment programs require the patient to stay in the rehab for the duration of treatment—these are known as inpatient programs—while other programs are implemented on an outpatient basis. If you or anyone you know is undergoing a severe health crisis, call a doctor or 911 immediately. Teen rehabs are most appropriate for young adults as they socialize with their peers and receive the right kind of emotional, physiological, and intellectual care they need.

Then people started showing up in emergency rooms, and horror stories about their reactions to synthetic marijuana began airing on the nightly news. If you or your social circle misuse substances, stop immediately and seek help, especially if you’re using drugs to self-medicate. Executive rehab facilities are specifically targeted to those who can’t leave their businesses during treatment. Teenagers are the most vulnerable to K2 addictions, and many rehabs are specifically open for teens. Some parents may not be so keen on opting for adult rehabs for their teens. These options are dedicated to further elimination of dependencies to fake marijuana.

Outpatient treatment offers drug and alcohol treatment sessions as well as support groups that can be attended multiple times a week while remaining at home. This option may benefit those with mild to moderate synthetic marijuana abuse or who may find it difficult to maintain childcare or employment throughout the treatment process. While many synthetic cannabinoids are legal, some synthetic marijuana products are illegal in some countries, states, or cities, and possessing or using it can have serious legal consequences. It can also alter a person’s mental state and cause poor decision-making, such as driving under the influence, which may result in legal issues.

K2 use has become a serious issue at Florida Department of Corrections facilities, where there’s been a dramatic spike in inmate deaths. K2 use has been particularly rampant in low-income areas thanks to the fact that a single dose can be purchased for just a few dollars. Spice is also known to be a drug of choice among parolees, military personnel, and athletes who struggle with substance abuse.

Spice drug treatment was spawned from the increasing dependence on fake cannabinoids, sold as natural herbs. Rehab facilities are witnessing a breakout in the number of teens addicted to K2 due to its https://sober-home.org/crack-withdrawal-symptoms-timeline-treatment/ abuse as a supposed alternative to marijuana. Synthetic drug dependence treatment facilities cater to individuals dependent on K2 by providing tailored services to suit the needs of the individual.

  1. K2 use has become a serious issue at Florida Department of Corrections facilities, where there’s been a dramatic spike in inmate deaths.
  2. However, the author stressed a need for more research into effective treatment options for addiction given the increasing popularity of the drug.
  3. First, synthetic marijuana is easily accessible and found at gas stations and corner stores across the country.
  4. We may be paid a fee for marketing or advertising by organizations that can assist with treating people with substance use disorders.
  5. If one of our articles is marked with a ‘reviewed for accuracy and expertise’ badge, it indicates that one or more members of our team of doctors and clinicians have reviewed the article further to ensure accuracy.

Inpatient and outpatient options are available and can stretch through an extensive period depending on the patient’s physical and mental condition. Synthetic marijuana abuse can lead to physical and psychological dependence, https://sober-home.org/ and addiction treatment may be paramount for some people. Treatment frequently involves a combination of psychotherapies and pharmacological therapies to address the addiction’s physical and psychological aspects.

If so, the Recovery HQ Team is here to assist you during this difficult time. Please contact us today and we will do all we can to get you the help you need. If there are any concerns about content we have published, please reach out to us at Reports of overdose and death have occurred every year since Spice hit the market.

Treatment for synthetic marijuana abuse may vary depending on each person’s specific needs and circumstances. Addiction Resource is an educational platform for sharing and disseminating information about addiction and substance abuse recovery centers. Addiction Resource is not a healthcare provider, nor does it claim to offer sound medical advice to anyone. Addiction Resource does not favor or support any specific recovery center, nor do we claim to ensure the quality, validity, or effectiveness of any particular treatment center. No one should assume the information provided on Addiction Resource as authoritative and should always defer to the advice and care provided by a medical doctor.

Synthetic marijuana, sold as ‘spice,’ first appeared in Europe in 2004 and the U.S. in 2008. The chemicals used to make synthetic marijuana, however, were created for experimental purposes decades ago. Synthetic marijuana is addictive, and people who regularly use the drug may experience withdrawal symptoms when they suddenly stopping using it. If you or someone you know struggles with spice addiction, reach out for help and support from available resources. Educate yourself about this dangerous substance and take care of yourself while supporting a loved one through recovery.

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